Jumaat, 22 Oktober 2010

Raise Your Child's Self Esteem! 99 Easy Things to Do by Nancy

  1. Tell your child you love him/her at least once a day.
  2. Take your child's feelings seriously.Try not to say she'll "grow out of it" or that it's"not that bad".
  3. Let your child know it's okay to make mistakes.Admit your own.
  4. Make a board game about your childs life.Each space on the board can mark an accomplishment your child has made since he was born.Start at the beginning with the first time he smiled or when he rolled over,and move on to include the first book he read to you and the first time he went to nursery school or camp.
  5. Laugh at your child's jokes-even when you don't get them.
  6. Praise your child's efforts,without worrying about the results.
  7. Take your child's picture each year on the first day of school.Don't forget to look back to see how much he's grown.
  8. Encourage your child to ask questions.Reasearch the answers together.
  9. Teach your child that "can't" is not forever.With a little hard work,your child will learn a new skill,and turn "I can't" into "I can".
  10. Resist the urge to say "I told you so".
  11. Pay attention to your child's random acts of kindness,and be sure to thank her for them.
  12. Get duplicates made of your next roll of family photographs.Then use them to play a memory game with your child. To play,turn all of the picture facedown,and take turns trying to guess where the matches are. If your child guesses correctly,he gets to out those pictures in his own pile. If not,turn the photos are gone,the player with the most matches wins.
  13. Don't treat all of your children exactly alike.Each one has different needs.

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